Seminar "Healing"
mit Daniel Hari
January 31. - February 02. 2025
The gospel is power! It has authority to save the lost, free the bound, and heal the sick.
“One word from you and my servant will be healthy,” the centurion said to Jesus. And then Jesus spoke that one word of healing and the servant was healed. And today?
One word from us - and it happens, just like with Jesus!? Jesus Himself promised that we can do the same things in His name that He did.
Indeed: The Gospel is powerful, simple – and it can be experienced today!
At the “Healing” seminar, we expect the supernatural and powerful work of God and want to receive it personally in order to be channels of God’s power – in our city, in our country and in the nations.
Daniel Hari is a man of God who lives and serves in the authority of the gospel, accompanied by subsequent healings and miracles. He is the author of the book “Healing Like Jesus.” Let us expect EVERYTHING from God this weekend.
Seminar fee of 60€
Prices for accommodation can be found here (per night incl. 3 meals).
Please read our terms & conditions.

General information:
Arrival & check-in possible as of 4:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m.
Check-out until 10:00 a.m. Departure as of 1:00 p.m. after lunch. Registration will only become valid upon receipt of confirmation of participation. Payment is made in advance by bank transfer. Our bank details can be found here.
Vegetarian food only upon registration (other special foods such as lactose or gluten-free, special diets, etc. unfortunately cannot be taken into account).
FHN, Altenhohenau 12, 83556 Griesstätt
We're looking forward to seeing you!